The Inner Station
‘The Inner Station’ is an audiovisual project first shown during ‘de Kunstlijn’ in 2022. The installation consists of a soundscape and a video made with audio samples and video footage found on the web under a Creative Common License. From the depths of darkness of the unsound mind.

The Inner Station
‘The Inner Station’ is an audiovisual project from 2022. The work consists of a video with soundtrack composed of numerous video images and audio samples available online under a Creative Commons licence.
The title of the film is a reference to the book ‘Heart of Darkness’ by Joseph Conrad. It’s a visual tale about fear, greed, racism, hypocrisy, war, isolation and morality. From the depths of darkness of the unsound mind.
The work is on display at the Stadkunstkamer from 19:00 to 00:00 in the evening until 15 September.
There is also an option to watch the film with sound in the exhibition space. Reservations can be made on Thursdays and Sundays between 19:00 and 21:00 in the evening.
Please book in advance via or via a DM:
Raaks 1, Haarlem
(Behind the Town Hall corner of Raaks/Jacobstraat)